The next Rail Festival is June 22 & 23, 2024 at Carillon Park located at 1000 Carillon Blvd, Dayton, Ohio, 45409. Each year, Rail Festivals are scheduled for the weekend after Father’s Day. Mark your calendars now.
The next Rail Festival Committee meeting has been set for Wednesday, July 10, 2024 at NOON. The location will likely be in the main building at Carillon Park.
Please go to the CPRSS.org website for train club membership, meeting dates, train run dates, work days, and other information.
For more Rail Festival info, check your emails or contact Dave Oroszi (contact info is below).

Vendors – See the Vendor Info page.
Visit CPRSS.org to learn more about the Carillon Park Rail and Steam Society train club and our public passenger train run schedule for 2024.
Below is a YouTube video of a live steam locomotive running at Carillon Park on October 2016. It is a 1/8th scale miniature locomotive that the engineer running it built himself.
Please contact: Dave Oroszi, david.oroszi@usa.net, phone 937-238-5655 for any questions or constructive comments that you may have.